Altitude Conservation is a wildlife technology company dedicated to providing innovative technology solutions to assist wildlife research and management, and to contribute to saving the world’s endangered species.
We are a proudly kiwi company, and our logo includes a pouakai / Haast’s eagle (Hieraaetus moorei). This great bird was endemic to Aotearoa / New Zealand, and was the largest eagle to have ever lived. Eagles have superb vision and survey the land from high in the sky, but the pouakai’s extinction is also a reminder of our purpose in conserving wildlife.

Our Expertise
Chris, our Managing Director, has a PhD in Veterinary Science and Ecology. He is a professional wildlife biologist and has worked for the New Zealand Department of Conservation, the US National Park Service, and many other wildlife conservation projects. He has extensive experience developing tracking solutions, acquired while working as a wildlife tracking consultant and product manager at Sirtrack and Trimble Navigation, and he has assisted researchers around the world with their wildlife tracking needs. Chris leads a highly talented hardware, software and business development group.